Dec 8, 2021

What Happens When We Come into the Presence of the Holy God ? Isaiah 6:5-7

One of the most striking insights in Isaiah’s vision of the Lord in the sixth chapter of his Book is the instant reflection about himself. After encountering the glorious presence of God in all his majesty (v1-4), he cried in desperation “Woe is me !”. What made Isaiah realize his woes so abruptly ? Because a sinful man like him was confronted by God and his holiness. So deep was the gap between God’s holiness and his sinful situation that he couldn’t help himself but express his despair.

Very often, we fail to realize our standing before God and the gap that exists between us and his holy being because we don’t come into his presence enough. Spending time before God and seeking his presence will give us a genuine picture of ourselves, and only then will we be able to realize the need to repent. Notice, when Isaiah made that public confession, it prompted God’s response to cleanse him and atone for his sin (vv6-7). God sent one of the seraphim with a burning coal to cleanse him.

The experience of Isaiah is a reminder that the pathway to the presence of God is worship. True worship opens the gates of heaven. His presence reveals our true self because God searches our hearts and knows us in detail. The sight of God’s holiness into our lives will lead us into full submission and repentance, thus allowing him to minister to our heart, soul and body.

In Christ !